
Μετάβαση σε :2024, 2023, 2022, 2021,2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004


Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes, 2024, 42(1), pp. 1–4.

Andreou E, Rallis E, Hatziantoniou S, Kefala V. Permanent Makeup (PMU) Removal with Plant Origin Extracts. Cosmetics 2024, 11(2), 56.

Biskanaki F, Rallis F, Andreou E, Sfyri E, Tertipi N, Ninos G, Kefala V. Laser Innovations in Aesthetics. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 17-21

Pantelopoulou MP, Rallis E, Kefala V. Applications and effects of «Cold Atmospheric Plasma» in Aesthetics. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1):. 71-77

Letsiou S, Beloukas A, Rallis R, Kefala V. In vitro skin models. Challenges and Future Steps. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1):. 63-65

Theodoropoulou K, Rallis E, Kefala V. New developments in the treatment of aesthetic problems with electroporation. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1):57-62

Koldiri E, Rallis E, Kefala V. Newer developments in the treatment of aesthetic lesions caused by excessive exposure of the skin to blue light. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 43-49

Karydi MR, Kefala V, Efstathios Rallis E, Biskanaki F. Comparative study of Cavitation and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 37-41

Grech VS, Lotsaris K, Grech I, Kefala V, Rallis E. Semaglutide (Ozempic) and obesity. A comprehensive guide for aestheticians. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 31-35

Lotsaris K, Grech VS, Grech I, KefalaV, Rallis E. Isotretinoin and psychiatric adverse effects: A literature review. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 23-29

Andreou E, Rallis E, Sfyri E, Tertipi N, Biskanaki F, Kefala V. Permanent Make Up-PMU Colorants and Regulations. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 13-16

Ninos G, Kefala V, Biskanaki F, Chaniotis D, Tertipi N, Sfyri E, Andreou E, Rallis E. Development of a proposed Laser Safety Protocol (LSP) for the prevention of eye and skin hazards in Biomedical Laser facilities. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 51-56

Sfyri E, Tertipi N, Biskanaki F, Andreou E, Chaniotis D, Rallis E, Kefala V. Athletes’ performance increasing techniques through application of aesthetics procedures. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 81-86

Tertipi N, Sfyri E, Kefala V, Biskanaki F, Andreou E. Chaniotis D, Rallis E. The effect of exercise on the quality of the skin. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 67-79

Rallis E, Sfyri E, Tertipi N, Kefala V. Etiology of chronic pruritus. Review of clinical pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, Intermational Edition 2023: 38 (Sup1): 75-80

Adamtziliadis E, Rallis E, Tertipi N, Sfyri E, Andreou E, , Biskanaki F, Kefala V. Skin whitening as an aesthetic procedure for the treatment of facial dyschromia. Review of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics, International Edition 2024:38 (Sup1): 7-12

Tertipi N, Sfyri E, Kefala V, Rallis E. Prevalence of sunscreen use and sunburn in Greek athletes: a cross-sectional study. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness Feb 64(3) 2024 


Kalofiri P, Biskanaki F, Kefala V, Tertipi N, Sfyri E, Rallis E. Endocrine Disruptors in Cosmetic Products and the Regulatory Framework: Public Health Implications. Cosmetics 2023; 10(6):160

Biskanaki F, Kalofiri P, Tertipi N, Sfyri E, Andreou E, Kefala V, Rallis E. Carotenoids and Dermoaesthetic Benefits: Public Health Implications. Cosmetics 2023;10(5):120

Foteini Biskanaki, Vasiliki Kefala, Andreas C. Lazaris, Efstathios Rallis. Aging and the Impact of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation on the Expression of Type I and Type VI Collagen. Cosmetics 2023, 10(2), 48; 

Ανδρέου Ε., Μπισκανάκη Φ., Τερτίπη Ν., Σφύρη Ε., Κεφαλά Β., Ράλλης Ε. Η λεμφική μάλαξη και τα αποτελέσματα της στο υγιές σώμα. Επιθεώρ Κλιν Φαρμακ Φαρμακοκινητικής, 2023 41(1): 87-91.

Μπισκανάκη Φ., Ανδρέου Ε., Σφύρη Ε., Τερτίπη Ν., Κεφαλά Β., Ράλλης Ε. Ενδογενείς και εξογενείς παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν το κολλαγόνο του δέρματος. Επιθεώρ Κλιν Φαρμακ Φαρμακοκινητικής, 2023 41(1): 75-81.


Andreou E, Triantafyllou AK, Mountsaki S, Rallis E, Lamari FN, Hatziantoniou S, Kefala V. Permanent Make-Up (PMU) Inks Decolorization Using Plant Origin Materials. Cosmetics. 2022 May 5;9(3):48. 


Eleni Andreou, Sophia Hatziantoniou, Efstathios Rallis,Vasiliki Kefala. Permanent make up (P.M.U.) and tattoos colorants. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Vol. 39, Issue 3,  Pages 77-81 (2021 ) 

Eleni Andreou , Sophia Hatziantoniou, Efstathios Rallis,Vasiliki Kefala. Complications from permanent make up application. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Vol. 39, Issue 3,  Pages 89-95 (2021 ) 

Sort Papers of 29th International Congress of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 14-16 May 2021

  • Ελένη Σφύρη, Ευστάθιος Ράλλης, Νίκη Τερτίπη, Φωτεινή Μπισκανάκη, Ελένη Ανδρέου, Βασιλική Κεφαλά. Οι επιπτώσεις της πανδημίας Covid 19 στην Ελληνική κολύμβηση, σελ. 351-355.
  • Νίκη Τερτίπη, Ελένη Σφύρη, Βασιλική Κεφαλά, Φωτεινή Μπισκανάκη, Ελένη Ανδρέου, Ευστάθιος Ράλλης. Αύξηση της συχνότητας στη φυσική δραστηριότητα κατά τη διάρκεια των περιοριστικών μέτρων λόγω της πανδημίας COVID 19 σε πανεπιστημιακή κοινότητα, σελ. 577-581.

Eleni Sfyri, Vasiliki Kefala, Effie Papageorgiou, Athena Mauridou, Apostolos Beloukas, Efstathios Rallis. Viral Cutaneous Infections in Swimmers: A preliminary study. Water, Volume 13, Issue 23 (2021).

Φωτεινή Μπισκανάκη, Ελένη Ανδρέου, Ευστάθιος Ράλλης, Νίκη Τερτίπη, Ελένη Σφύρη, Βασιλική Κεφαλά. Ο κοινωνικοοικονομικός αντίκτυπος της πανδημίας COVID-19 κατά τη διάρκεια του πρώτου lock down στην Ελλάδα. ΠΣΑΜΚΑ NEWS, Tεύχος 70, Σεπτ-Οκτ-Νοε 2021, σελ. 8-12.

Foteini Biskanaki, Eleni Sfyri, Vasiliki Kefala, Eleni Andreou, Niki Tertipi,Efstathios Rallis. Maskne during COVID-19 pandemic:A retrospective study in 1854 participants. Review Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition, Volume 35 Issue 3 (2021) 

Niki Tertipi, Vasiliki Kefala, Effie Papageorgiou, Efstathios Rallis. Prevalence of common viral skin infections in beach volleyball athletes, Viruses Vol.13, Issue 11, (2021)

Eleni Sfyri, Niki Tertipi, Vasiliki Kefala, Foteini Biskanaki, Eleni Andreou, Efstathios Rallis: Paradoxical increase in frequency of physical activity behavior during SARS-CoV-2 restriction measures in a greek university community. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 21, Issue 4, 1814-1821 (2021)

Eleni Andreou, Sophia Hatziantoniou, Efstathios Rallis and Vasiliki Kefala: Safety of Tattoos and Permanent Make up (PMU) Colorants. Cosmetics, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 47 (2021).


Efstathios Rallis Eleni Sfiri Niki Tertipi Vassiliki Kefala, Molluscum contagiosum among Greek young competitive swimmers, J Sports Med Phys Fitness,  2020 Jun 25. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.20.11196-4.

Foteini Biskanaki , Efstathios Rallis, Εleni Andreou, Εleni Sfyri , Νiki Tertipi , Vasiliki Kefala,  Social-economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic on aesthetic centers in Greece, J Cosmet Dermatol, 2020 May 31;10.1111/jocd.13517. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13517.

Niki TertipiEfstathios Rallis Eleni SfyriVassiliki Kefala, The effects of Covid-19 pandemic in volleyball players and sports clubs in Greece, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2020 Jul 20. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.20.11414-2

Kefala, V., Biskanaki, F., Andreou, Ε., Sfyri, Ε., Tertipi, Ν., Rallis, Ε. : Laser for hair removal. Challenges-considerations, Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Volume 38, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 17-22.

Tertipi, N., Andreou, E., Biskanaki, F., Sfiri, E., Kefala, V., Rallis, E. : Pilates method in the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases in the profession of aesthetic/cosmetologist, Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Volume 38, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 65-71.

Sfiri, E., Αndreou, E.,  Biskanaki, F., Τertipi, N., Κefala, V., Rallis, E. : Research reviews on the role of exercise in the treatment of obesity, Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Volume 38, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 59-64.

Andreou, E., Biskanaki, F., Tertipi, N., Sfyri, E., Rallis, Ε., Hatziantoniou, S., Kefala, V.: Modern developments on the application and the removal of permanent make up, Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Volume 38, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 53-57.

Biskanaki, F., Andreou, E., Sfyri, E., Tertipi, N., Rallis, E., Kefala, V. : Modern non-invasive methods for the treatment of skin aging, Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes Volume 38, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 31-36.

Biskanaki, F., Kefala, V. Aesthetic and Cosmetology : Knowledge Research in Greece Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition  34(1), pp. 43-49 (2020)         

Biskanaki, F., Kefala, V.  Microbiome in Aesthetic and Dermatology .The role of prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics.Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition  34(1), pp. 31-38 (2020)                                                                                       


Biskanaki, F., Kefala, V., Kalofiri, P. The latest in non-invasive local fat treatment method with diode laser (1060nm) Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition  33(2), pp. 35-38 (2019)      

Kalofiri, P., Kefala, V., Biskanaki, F. Obesity and endocrine disruptors: A review Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition  33(2), pp. 41-47(2019)

Biskanaki, F., Kefala, V.Modern ultrasound applications in aesthetics: HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes 37(2), pp. 81-86 (2019)

Eleni Kintziou , Pantelis T. Nikolaidis , Vasiliki Kefala , Thomas Rosemann  and Beat Knechtle .Validity of Self-Reported Body Mass, Height, and Body Mass Index in Female Students: The Role of Physical Activity Level, Menstrual Cycle Phase, and Time of Day . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(7) ,1192 (2019 ) 

Katerina Liatsopoulou ,Ioannis Sianoudis  , Vasiliki Kefala . Αpplications of Diffused Reflectance Spectroscopy and Laser Induced Fluorescence. A Modern Diagnostic Tool in Acne Lesions,in Aesthetic and Dermatology Practice. Experimental Study.Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics. International Edition.33 (1), pp 1-11 (2019)




Biskanaki Foteini, Kefala Vasiliki .New Strategies In Cosmetic Tattoo (Permanent make up) and Tattoo Removal .Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition. 32(1),pp. 17-21  (2018)

Katerina Liatsopoulou ,Ioannis Sianoudis  , Vasiliki Kefala .The Contribution Of Spectroscopic Methods For The Characterization And Classification Of Inflammatory Lesions In Acne, In Aesthetic And Dermatology Practice Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition. 32(1),pp. 61-66  (2018)

Katerina Liatsopoulou, Ioannis Sianoudis , Vasiliki Kefala Visual investigation of skin lesions using different types of digital and UV camera in Dermatology and Aesthetics. Comparative analysis in different types of acne. An Experimental Study.Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition. 32(2), pp. 77-82 (2018)

Kefala, V., Andreou, E., Biskanaki, F., Rallis, E. Important applications of ultrasound in aesthetics. Keratolysis and phonoforesis. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes  36(2), pp. 123-128 (2018)

Andreou, E. ,Kefala, V., Rallis, E. Permanent eye-liner – Review of complications. Etiology Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes.  36 (2), pp. 129-134 (2018)

Andreou, E. Kefala, V.,Rallis, E.Why do cosmetic tattoos change color. An update(Article) Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition Volume 32 (3), , p.p. 115-123  (2018)

Kefala, V., Biskanaki, F., Andreou, E., Rallis, E.  Cavitation. A local fat treatment method with effect of ultrasound. Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition. 32(2), pp. 83-86 (2018) 

Biskanaki, F.  Kefala, V. Skouras, G. Radio frequency innovation. New method of fat dissolving (contactless skin therapy) Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes.36( 2), p.p.91-96 (2018)